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fish tank

Beginners’ Guide: 5 steps to setting up a freshwater fish tank

Nitrogen Cycle
Below you will find five simple steps that every beginner should know.  We've tried to make them simple but thorough enough for any situation though there are endless number of mistakes a beginner can make, and this guide can't cover them all, we feel it will, when followed, increase the chances of a job well done and happy fish. Step 1: Planning Planning your new fish tank is the single most im...
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Bristle worms in your reef tank…so what?

Americans and I'm assuming most Europeans, have a natural dislike of worms. They're creepy, sometimes slimy, and they move in what seems an unnatural and distasteful way. I remember going fishing when I was a kid and putting the red earth worm on my hook. As soon as the sharp end of the hook would penetrate the worm's flesh it would wiggle vigorously and inevitably turn its head toward my hand as ...
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