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How-To Guides

Beginners’ Guide: 5 steps to setting up a freshwater fish tank

Nitrogen Cycle
Below you will find five simple steps that every beginner should know.  We've tried to make them simple but thorough enough for any situation though there are endless number of mistakes a beginner can make, and this guide can't cover them all, we feel it will, when followed, increase the chances of a job well done and happy fish. Step 1: Planning Planning your new fish tank is the single most im...
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How do I get rid of algae in my fish tank?

Algae in Tank
All fish tanks need algae to survive. When we talk about getting rid of algae, we aren't talking about essential algae, or macro algae like caulerpa, we're talking about nuance algae. Especially prevalent in this discussion are hair algae and beard algae. This article will discuss what causes algae to grow to nuisance levels and what to do about it. There are quick fixes to getting rid of algae, b...
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How to Care for Gold Barbs

Gold Barb
New fish species get discovered quite often. Sometimes this represents a truly new discovery and others it represents a fish we've been keeping for years in our tanks but that no one knew was actually a different species than we thought it was until DNA tests or other studies prove it to be so. The fish in the photo below is a new species of bard discovered in India. Though we have a fish with ...
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Zoo Med Has a New Floating Fish Food Clip

When I saw this product debut I thought, "It's about time". How many of us have just used a bit of Styrofoam to do this same thing? I have. But that seems to attract mold and algae to it and also I am always worried that it is leaching some chemical into the water. It's such a simple product that fulfills a need for aquarists.   Personally, I hate clips that suction onto my tank. It's a...
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How To Make a Simple LED Work Lamp from Tested

LED strips
LED lighting is one of the most confusing aspects of setting up a fish tank. Most people at this point want LED lighting rather than older methods. They have proven themselves to grow corals well and have the ability to penetrate the water and get down to the deep areas of a tank. They also produce little heat, draw little electricity, and last for a very long time. They come in mixed colors so th...
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